We all know the player that likes to throw in a lob!
When out of your reach, the lob can be a very effective tactic and it is worth understanding how to
move to get the ball back most effectively and safely!
To avoid injuries, potentially serious ones, never run backwards! Too many have broken wrists or
worse by simply trying to run backwards!
What should you do?
There are some options to be able to recover this shot and we discuss them here and will depend on
your level and abilities.
The basic option is to turn and run! This is of course safe but may not allow you to get in the right
position for your next hit.
In doubles, for easier and faster movement there is the tactical option for you to cover your
partner when they get lobbed. It is probable that you will see that your partner is about to be lobbed
earlier than they see it and can start off quicker. A diagonal movement will also be far safer. This is
likely to lead to your pair switching sides.
For those with the explosive energy, there is an option to chassis backwards. This may enable you to
get back to volley the shot. It is a common movement in badminton and here is a video that explains
how to do this safely. https://youtu.be/wFKe_rsr4nk
Ultimately, if the shot has caught you unawares then you can always admire the shot, watch and
hope it lands out!
Happy pickling!